Monday, July 18, 2011

Hard drive components

harddisk merupakan salah satu piranti yang tidak terpisahkan dalam sistem komputer masa kini. Berikut penjelasan Komponen hardisk yang Mulai dari komputer personal hingga mesin sekelas mainframe dan superkomputer menggunakan piranti hard disk sebagai media penyimpanan datanya. Hardisk pertama kali ditemukan pada dekade 1950-an. Tidak seperti saat ini, hard disk kala itu memiliki ukuran diameter hingga 20 inci dengan kapasitas hanya beberapa megabyte. Pada masa itu, piranti ini disebut sebagai “fixed disks” atau “winchesters” (nama kode untuk produk keluaran IBM). Belakangan produk itu dikenal sebagai “hard disk” untuk membedakannya dengan “floppy disks”.
Dalam tingkatan yang paling sederhana, hard disk tidak seberapa berbeda dengan kaset pada tape. Keduanya sama-sama menggunakan teknik perekaman secara magnetik dan memanfaatkan keunggulan media perekaman tersebut dimana data yang tersimpan didalamnya dapat dirubah atau dihapus sewaktu-waktu. Hard disk memiliki sebuah cakram keras (hard platter) yang mengandung media magnetik, sebagai kebalikan dari lembaran film plastik pada floppy disk dan tape.
Components Composer:
In general, the principal components that make up a hard drive consists of:
Platter: The dish, usually made of aluminum coated with a material magenetik. On the surface of the platter is the data stored on the hard disk. A hard disk can have some fruit platter that work simultaneously.
Arm readers: This component supports the head which serves to read / write on the surface of the platter. The arm is controlled through a mechanism that is driven by a motor-linear. This mechanism moves with speed and precision is very high. Arms readers with most current hard drive capable of moving from center to edge of the platter, and then back to center as much as 50 times a second.

Data Storage:
Data stored on the hard drive in a file. A file is the name for a set of bytes. Files can contain a series of ASCII characters or code that make up a document, or it could be a series of instructions for software applications to be run by computers. In summary, does not matter, whatever its contents, the file is a series of byte patterns. When a program is run on a computer command, the hard disk will read a series of bytes and sent to the CPU.
Surface of the platters store data in sectors and tracks. If painted, track forming circles along the surface of the platter kosentris. Each track will be divided into several sectors.

In the picture above, we can see how the platter surface is divided into sectors and tracks. The yellow part is the track, while the blue represents the sector. A byte in the sector will contain a fixed amount, such as 256 or 512 bytes. However, at the level of the drive or the operating system, some sectors are often grouped together in a cluster.
Sector and the track is formed through a process called low-level format, where the start and end points of each sector written to the platter. This process of preparing a hard drive to store blocks of bytes. After that, the high-level formatting will write strutur file storage, such as file-allocation table (FAT) in the sector. This process prepares the hard disk to store files.

Capacity vs. Performance:
The size most often used in view of a hard disk is how much capacity. Installed on computer hard drives today typically have capacities ranging from tens to hundreds of gigabytes. However, in addition to capacity, the other thing that is important to note is the performance, especially the speed problem. There are two parameters commonly used to determine the performance of a hard disk: Data rate: It is the number of bytes per second that can be delivered to the CPU. General magnitudes ranging from 5 to 40 megabytes per second.
Seek time: time interval is required between when the CPU requests a file by the time the first byte sent to the CPU. A common scale ranged in 10 to 20 milliseconds. Besides these two things above, the performance of a hard drive is also determined by the type of interface used and the speed rotary disk (platter) from the hard drive. Broadly speaking, the currently available two types of interfaces for hard disk ATA / Ultra ATA and SCSI. The most common interface for personal purposes is Ultra ATA. Hard drives that use this interface is divided into ATA 100 and ATA 133.
Figures 100 and 133 indicate the speed of data transfer. To this ATA 133 is faster. Meanwhile, SCSI hard drives are more widely used for servers or systems that require a very fast hard drive, for example for multimedia purposes. Because the price is quite expensive, so this interface is rarely used for personal purposes.
Meanwhile, the rotation speed on the hard disk is correlated with the speed of data access. The higher the rotational speed of a hard drive (expressed in RPM, Minutes Per Race / revolutions per minute) then access will be faster. Currently, for the Ultra ATA interface, available 5400 and 7200 RPM speed. There are also vendors that offer up to 9500 RPM rotational speed, although still rare.

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